Clinic Beautification Underway


You know what they say about the best laid plans.... 

We took advantage of our 3-days "weekend" to have the building painted (yes, the graffiti on the posts are going --- unless new ones appear before the paint dry).  The plan was to have the front part painted and ready for us to re-open tomorrow morning.  The crew will continue to work on the side of the building and in the back lot.  That way, our clients will still have access to our office and the noise (and fumes) exposure to the patients will be minimized.
As it turns out, some additional work is needed on the wooden beams in front of the clinic.  Hence, the paint crew may be working up front tomorrow.  Clients should still be able to access our parking lot and front door.  Even though we have asked the crew to reserve the noisiest work for the times when patients are not around, the clinic environment will surely be unusually chaotic this week.  Please have your dogs on short leashes to keep them from rubbing against any "Wet Paint" areas.  Cats should be safely confined in carriers, even while in the lobby, as sudden noises may startle them.

Over the years, we strive to provide quality personal care for our clients and patients.  Much of our efforts were focused on medicine and service, our inner beauty.  It is past time for us to work on our exterior and physical structures to better reflect the pride we have in our practice.
Please excuse any inconvenience arising from our clinic beautification project.  We greatly appreciate your patience and support.

