We’ve changed how we will see your family member. Please read the following instructions:

The following procedures are effective immediately.

  1. Submit the check-in form below prior to your visit. Your check-in submission serves as your confirmation of your appointment.

    Patients coming in for acupuncture care - check-in by clicking here.

  2. Drive-up at your appointment time and call us from your vehicle when you arrive. We will come out to your car and greet you. Be mindful of public health - wear a mask during your visit.

  3. In most cases we will take your companion from your vehicle to our clinic for exams/procedures to be done.

  4. At the end of the visit we will bring your companion back out to your vehicle. Client check-out (including discharging, invoicing, and payment) will be done while you remain in your vehicle.

  5. Other notes:

    • All cancellation fees will be waived. Please cancel your visit if you are, or have been, recently ill or suspect exposure to COVID-19.

    • ALL visits to our office (including purchase and pickup of medications and over the counter products) will be done by appointment only and need to be pre-arranged.

    • Regrettably, our restroom is closed to the public. Please plan accordingly.

The above procedures may be exempted on a case by case basis as we evaluate and work to ensure that we balance the needs of our companion families and the health and safety of our patients, clients and staff.